May 20, 2010

Cupcakes vs Muffins

I've been getting this a lot: 'What is the difference between a cupcake and a muffin?' When I was a kid I always thought that muffins were bigger than cupcakes and that they were the dome-y shaped ones. But over the years and after reading books about cakes and such (Thank you Powerbooks Alabang Town Center) I came to my point of realization as to what is the difference between the two.

Cupcakes are actually 'minature' cakes, ergo the presence of frosting and what-not. Muffins on the other hand are fruity and don't have frosting and they are usually eaten for breakfast.

So the politically correct term would be for small blueberry cakes would be 'Blueberry Muffins' and small carrot cakes with cream cheese frosting would be 'Carrot Cupcakes'

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