March 13, 2010

Progetto Cinque: Maja Blanca

I think my insomnia's back. I was working on Progetto Tre when I suddenly got the urge to cook something up. Since it was too late to bake and my pantry's half empty I ended up making this Filipino dessert.

2 Liters of Coconut Milk
1 Cup of Sugar
1 Can of Corn Kernels
150ml Condensed Milk
370ml Evaporated Milk
200g Cornstarch

1. Combine the 1.25 litres of coconut milk, white sugar, condensed milk, evapourated milk, corn kernels in a pan over medium heat. Stir the mixture up to a boil.

2. Prepare the thickener by mixing the corn starch and 750ml of coconut milk together. Then gradually add the thickener to the pan. Be sure that the mixture in the pan is boiling before adding the thickener. Continue stirring until all the ingredients are completely mixed.

3. Transfer to a holding tray. I used a square Pyrex bowl for this. Flatten the mixture with a rubber spatula.Then let it cool in room temperature.

4. Once it sets you can now cut it out of your holding tray. Add coconut shavings and sugar on top for the garnish. 

Personally I like my Maja Blanca cold. So I place mine into the refrigerator after it has cooled down, before I eat it.

Again, I apologize for not taking pictures of the entire procedure. I'm kinda lazy. :)

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