March 28, 2010


No, I can't celebrate my birthday once every month and Christmas is way too far away. So, if anyone out there would like to give me a gift (as a token of appreciation, or whatever purpose you may have) here's a couple of gift ideas:

As most of you know, I've fallen in love with Baking. Aside from the fact that it eats up my time and I make a lot of people happy with my concoctions. Baking is fun, plus I get to practice my first love: Photography, in the process. So, don't be surprised by seeing kitchenware in this list. I've got pretty much everything else I want anyways. ;)

I can't seem to find the whisk my mom got me, so yeah. I need a whisk. If you want to know how I get away with baking without a whisk, well that's efficiency for you. I'm VERY resourceful.

I'm a big Rachel Ray fan so I have grown accustomed to not measuring things when I cook, but baking... that's a different story. With baking every single detail is important, especially the measurements. Since I'm a fan of color, I'd love to have these adorable collapsible measuring cups and just for sake of having it; I want a Pyrex measuring cup as well. It's like the shit, classic.

 As you may have noticed, I didn't use a pie plate for my pie. I used a spring-form pan. Why? I didn't have pie plate, but I love making pies. Pushing Daisies inspired me, yes I am in love with the Pie Maker.

Ever since I was little, I had a thing for cookie cutters. You know those toy clay cutters we had back then? My my, I was completely obsessed with them. So yeah, I love cookie cutters! If anyone can find me a Stitch Cookie Cutter, I will by all means love you until the day I die!
Ah yes, I remember the days when my Mom would bake a cake and slap icing on it. She wasn't a fan of pastry bags and fancy scallops, but her cakes looked great! So this is one of my frustrations, I will forever want this set. Even if I am not much of a cake baker, I desperately want this!

That's all I've got on my list for now. Oh yes, I can think of other things in a couple of days, just wait. :)


  1. i have a pie pan but i want a springform one. :(

    and who bakes without a whisk? tsk tsk. :P

  2. Ha! I have a Spring Form pan. :) I'm sorry, my whisk got lost. :)) At least I have a food processor. <3
